TITLE: Musings Of A Mulderist
AUTHOR: Rhetta
DISTRIBUTION: Anywhere, just let me know.
FEEDBACK: pindaran@hotmail.com
SPOILERS: Just a little pining. Won't really ruin any of the
DISCLAIMER: Mulder and the rest of the 'X-Files' belong to Chris
Carter, 1013, and FOX. David Duchovny belongs to himself. Think
of this as a friendly loan.
SUMMARY: Thoughts about a certain missing G-Man.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was written before Mulder's return at the end
of the
8th Season.
On Sundays I was usually in a state of bliss
Right from the opening teaser to the 'I Made This'
I counted the hours. I circled the day.
I'd look forward to what he'd do or say.
OK. I'll admit it. I'm a Mulderist
I'm waiting for a Fox who's sorely missed
Now, I like Agent Doggett and I'm still an
But I'm really missing Mulder's irreverent style
I miss those hazel eyes and that brown hair
His boyish charm and his ScullyCare
His stubborn streak and his twisted wit
And that leather jacket? What a perfect fit.
Can I help it if I'm another devoted fan?
It's not my fault he's such a damn fine looking man.
The vast mytharc plottings and the search for
his sister?
Such ripe material for MulderAngst when they show how he missed
How about the way, you know, he would just
leeeaaan in
Whenever Scully gave a case her scientific spin
And he gazed at Scully often, that was plain to
You know he got a thrill with each 'Mulder, it's me'
I loved it when he'd lead her out with a hand
on her back
I...uh...sorry...let's get back on track
I love his sunflower seeds and the
And how Ice Tea could be love and other passes
I miss the way he could make Scully smile
She hasn't done that in an awful long while
Wait...maybe this was all Carter's horrible
And soon he'll awaken with a girlie scream.
Maybe Mulder doesn't even need to come back
Maybe Scully and him are still watching 'Caddyshack.'
They might be drinking a beer and pondering a
Or discussing the names of Mulder's fish
They could be talking to Skinner at some
unknown location
Or sneaking into a top-secret military installation
Anything is better than that chair and those
things in his face
Yes, even cheesesteaks and 'Earth 2' at the Lone Gunmen's place
But when he finally does return I hope they do
it right.
I need a 'little touch of Mulder' on Sunday night.