TITLE: The Mulder Dictionary (1 of 1)
AUTHOR: Rhetta
DISTRIBUTION: Anywhere, just let me know.
FEEDBACK: pindaran@hotmail.com
SPOILERS: 'Pusher'
DISCLAIMER: Mulder, Scully, and the rest of "The X-Files" belong
to Chris Carter, 1013, and FOX. Just taking them out for a little
test drive.
SUMMARY: Everything should have a proper definition.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written for the After The Fact 'Pusher' Episode


One of these days as a public service I'm going to sit down and
compile a Mulder Dictionary to help immerse the uninitiated in
All Things Mulder.

It's going to be a very large dictionary full of all those arcane
and downright bizarre terms Mulder regularly rattles off to
explain his current theory on a case.

With pictures. And maybe a few charts.

At times I'm almost positive he's making some of them up just to
watch my reaction as if I'm his own personal 'Let's See How Many
Eye Rolls We'll Get Out Of Scully With This One' entertainment

At other times...well, at other times I feel the same way but the
urge to kick his ass isn't as strong.

Today he was asking for it. The Whammy. Honestly. I'm sure
Skinner would love to read that in our report.

Then again, I'm also equally sure Mulder would love to read that
in our report. Like I said, the man is asking for it.

His theory here is that Modell has the ability to make people do
things, to mentally push them to do his will. Even to the point
of death.

Usually to the point of death.

What annoys me is that while I wouldn't use the term 'The Whammy'
to describe the process, I'm starting to believe him.

OK, it doesn't just annoy me, it really annoys me.

Either these few years as Mulder's partner have driven me insane
or this time he's actually right.

I'm not sure which thought is more frightening.