TITLE: Learning Experience
AUTHOR: Rhetta
DISTRIBUTION: Sure, just let me know.
FEEDBACK: pindaran@hotmail.com
SPOILERS: 'Triangle'
DISCLAIMER: Mulder and the rest of the 'X-Files' belong to Chris
Carter, 1013, and FOX. David Duchovny belongs to himself.
SUMMARY: Mulder's hospital bed musings.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written for the Haven's 155 Words Episode


Life is a learning experience.

Mostly what I've learned is to duck.

Well, let's just say I'm in the process of learning that.

Occasionally though, something a little more profound than 'stop
getting hit in the head' reaches me.

Something about love.

It's warm, intoxicating, all-consuming, and it can pretty much
kick your ass.

I've got the bruises to prove it.

Sure, it took getting sucked into an anomaly and almost changing
the course of time to learn it, but hey, I did learn it.

And I don't care how many drugs I've got shooting through my system,
I know I love her. And that I was on that ship. No amount of 'Oh,
brother's' can convince me otherwise.

Maybe it's just the morphine talking, but I think she loves me too.

When I get out of this damn bed I'm going to make sure she knows it.

Everyone can benefit from a learning experience.